I started Peardrop in 2013 with the mission statement: "Make lunchtime something Londoners get out of bed for." Back then, we lived in a city of boring and unhealthy lunch choices.
What I lacked in experience and business acumen I made up for in determined optimism and a nippy little vespa, from which I delivered deliciousness to clients across the capital. I knew that I wanted to serve quality, seasonal produce in an imaginative, elegant and beautiful way. Almost a decade later, I am proud to say that, while Peardrop may have grown in stature and experience, our motivation hasn’t changed - to excite and delight through food.
But creating beautiful food is not the only thing that drives me to run this business. We’ve always been focused on how we can produce it in the greenest way possible. Ten years ago this was a monumental uphill struggle. Eyebrows were raised when we cooked our “Get Wasted” supper club entirely out of food we found in bins. And for years I carried our plastic home when our landlord refused to recycle!
The journey so far has been amazing: fulfilling, empowering, exciting and at times difficult beyond belief. Office lunch deliveries quickly expanded into events - fashion shoots, supper clubs and glamorous parties. Soon we were catering starry weddings and had a product line in supermarkets. When Covid struck, we quickly moved into home deliveries, frozen meals, dinner parties for 6 (never again!), branded mailers and even virtual office Christmas parties, complete with canapés and quizzing.
And here we are for the next chapter, excited to present our new party-ready canapé collections. But our purpose remains the same: innovative, seasonal, delicious food that’s almost too beautiful to eat.
“Food not only feeds me, it enriches me. All of me. Mind, body and soul. It is nothing more than everything.”